How to Organise your Kitchen Storage Jars

13th Sep 2023

jars of lentils, pasta and oats

Create a Display

Whether you’re organising a simple cupboard or an expansive walk-in pantry, the rule remains the same: for an easier life, know what’s stored in it! Utilising glass is a winner if you’re looking to create an uncluttered, spacious feel in living spaces, plus it allows you to view the stock levels of your kitchen ingredients at a glance.

Meet our top 3 favourite products which are perfect for  organising your pantry. All designs featured can be easily slotted in alongside baskets and kitchen accessories to create an inviting store-it-all space that keeps your culinary staples visible and within easy reach.

  1. Provender Jars are extremely versatile storage pieces that blend into any interior design scheme, look great and are much better for the environment than plastic. They’re available in three sizes, each featuring a retro cork lid to keep your ingredients fresh and securely sealed.
  2. Radcot Storage Jars feature a dispensary style lid that is ideal for showcasing in beautiful open shelving displays. Keep all manner of dry goods sealed in this traditional design, which comes in three generous sizes: 7l, 3.5l and 2l; perfect for housing pasta and pulses.
  3. Audley Storage and Spice Jars offer stylish stackable accommodation for a whole range of household items - including your kitchen ingredients. Crafted in glass with bamboo lids, these space savers come in a grand total of seven sizes and can be piled neatly in a cupboard, on open shelving or on your kitchen worktop.

decanting kitchen containers

After decanting dried food and spices into your selected containers, add cohesion to your curated collection by downloading our free downloadable jar labels, to create a uniform display.

Download Here

Don’t forget to:

  • Jot down the expiry and best-before date for each product in pencil, so that they are easily replaceable.
  • Label what type your flour and sugar is, to avoid confusion with near-identical self-rising, all-purpose, bread or pastry-specific ingredients.
  • Keep herbs out of direct sunlight, ideally in a dark place so that they don’t fade and lose flavour.
  • Arrange your foodstuffs so that everyday ingredients you use the most are kept closest to hand. 

Spice and ingredients cupboard

Looking for more pantry inspiration? Check out our  guide to organising the perfect pantry.

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